Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Why does my Modified Date keep updating when I'm not making changes?

Can someone help point me in the right direction of where to go to submit a ticket for this? For four rows on my sheet (Row 1, 3, 4, 5) every time I save my sheet those rows update the modified date, even though I'm not touching those rows at all. In many cases those rows are filtered out of my view, so it's not even possible for me to update them (there are no dependencies enabled and no formulas in this sheet).

I have automation set up on this sheet to notify users of changes to rows, and they are getting emails every time I save the sheet as a result of this, when there are no actions for them. Why is the sheet doing this and how do I disable it without disabling the automation?

Please see attached activity log showing that only the modified date is changing for those rows, without me doing anything to trigger it.

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