Excluding Multiple Options


 I am having a real challenge with a particular function. I'm thinking someone will know this right off the top of your head.

=SUMIFS({Digital Marketing Workflow- Total Hours}, {Digital Marketing Workflow- Priority}, <>"Sub-Category", {Digital Marketing Workflow- Project Cat}, "Advertising: Concept")

I am trying to exclude multiple priorities similar to <>"Sub-Category". For instance, I'm also trying to exclude a selection called, "Sub-sub-category". I've tried it multiple ways, with a comma, with an AND as well as an OR @cell statements, and I keep getting will not parse messages. Can you assist?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try something like this...

    =SUMIFS({Digital Marketing Workflow- Total Hours}, {Digital Marketing Workflow- Priority}, AND(@cell <> "Sub-Category", @cell <> "Sub-Sub-category"), {Digital Marketing Workflow- Project Cat}, "Advertising: Concept")

    You use the AND function to pull all of them together and @cell references to create your "logical statements".

    @cell <> "text"

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