"Aged Report" in Smartsheet

This discussion was created from comments split from: Looking for formula.


  • Beronica Muller
    Beronica Muller ✭✭✭✭


    I am new to Smartsheet and trying to create an aged report in Smartsheet. The criteria is to create a report based on inquiries pending from submission date and is at a standstill.  Could you assist with what I am doing wrong?

  • Hi @Beronica Muller

    Could you provide screen captures of your Report Builder open, and a screen capture of the sheet you're working with? (Please block out any sensitive data).

    Here's an example of what my criteria looks like in a similar report, which is looking for all the rows that are "In Progress" and where the date column has a date in the past:

    Notice that I'm using the What? criteria for the Status, and the When? criteria for the date column.

    This link has some videos you may find helpful: https://help.smartsheet.com/learning-track/smartsheet-intermediate/reports

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  • Beronica Muller
    Beronica Muller ✭✭✭✭

    Sure, please see below.  I am actually trying to create a formula that would tell me the number of days that the inquiries have been pending. Ugghhh, I am soo lost right now!

  • @Beronica Muller - I don't think the upload of the image worked... could you try again?

    If you're looking to count Working Days, you could use the function NETWORKDAYS (see here).

    This calculation would need to be done in a sheet, not a Report though. A report can gather together the different rows across many sheets that meet certain criteria, but formulas within sheets create calculations (based on criteria, if needed).

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