I am trying to count the number of employees that have access to work remotely and have not been furloughed or laid off. The columns I'm looking at are: MODIFIED STATUS & TELECOMMUTER. The values in Modified Status are: Furlough, Separated, Reduced Salary, Reduced Hours & Other. The values in Telecommuter are Permanent & Temporary.

I need to count all employees with the Telecommuter value of Permanent OR Temporary AND the Modified Status is NOT Furlough or Separated.

Any assistance with this formula is very appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Donni Matthew
    Donni Matthew ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I ended up having to do this: =COUNTIFS({AZ TELE}, OR(@cell = "Permanent", @cell = "Temporary"), {AZ MODIFIED}, OR(@cell = "", @cell = "Reduced Salary",@cell = "Reduced Hours",@cell = "Other (See comments)"))

    But it worked!! Thank you so much!


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