Adding Smartsheet to Teams

Iulia Banica
edited 04/01/20 in Smartsheet Basics

HI , I am trying to add a smartsheet as a tab in Teams but I cannot find my sheet in the smartsheet directory.

Also want to mention that the smartsheet is published so no clue why is not displayed...


  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee

    Hi @Iulia Banica,

    You must be the Owner or have Admin-level sharing permissions to the Smartsheet item that you want to add as a tab in a Microsoft Teams channel. However, like you mentioned the sheet is published which means that people that are shared to the item from Smartsheet should be able to add it to other Teams channels.

    We've seen issues like this resolved in the past by logging of Smartsheet and then logging back in, but you'll want to make sure you logged out and not closed the tab. To log out, select the Account icon in the upper-right corner of the Smartsheet window, and then select Sign Out.

    If this doesn't resolve the issue, please reach out to our Support team here: