RACI - 2 in 1 Event sheet - template usage

I'm having trouble understanding the template - and can't find directions for how to use or specifics on the formulas used - which are huge...so the T- # is what is confusing me. Any directions or assistance would be great.


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I have not used the template, so I have just loaded it up and I think, from what I can deduce from the headings, the column T- # is a countdown of weeks before the event happens. The template is guiding you through a thought process for planning an event?

    So Row 8 in the template suggests that 24 weeks before the event you should set the "Ownership, campaign strategy & framework" AND "Establish core team members and extended team members" AND understand and sign off your budget in "Budget sign off and management".

    Then at Row 11, which is 20 weeks before the event you should think about the content for the event including "Identification and integration of customer case studies" etc...

    Does this help?

    There is a feedback mechanism in the template under row 1's attachment and comments area...

    Have fun with it :)

    Kind regards
