Automatic Breakdown of budgeted hours into cells

Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a possibility of creating a formula that would autopopulate cells based on months duration and budgeted hours? E.g. if my study starts in september 2020 and lasts for 10 months, it would autopopulate cells in respective columns? (see snapshot of how the sheet looks)

Many thanks


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 04/22/20

    Hi Michaela,

    Is there a column with the budgeted hours overall? If there is, you could do a formula that just divides the total hours by the number of months to return the hours for one month:

    =[Total Hours]@row / [Duration (months)]@row

    Then you could drag-fill this across your entire row for all the other months, and drag-fill it down, to auto-populate new calculations per-row.

    If I have misunderstood what you're looking to do it would be great to have a bit more context, or more information on where the total budgeted hours is coming from.



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  • Michaela Kamenska
    Michaela Kamenska ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    since my post was unsuccessful here, I made a thread where I outlined the formula and the layout. What I want is that if I input the hours and months, it will autopopulate relevant cells without me having to drag and drop manually. so the formula would be in each of the Month cells but only the ones that are necessary will populate automatically. I've got the formula from excel and you can find it here:

    Kind regards,


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