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RYG Balls Not Displaying Anymore

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I built a report off of a seperate smartsheet that had RYGB Balls to help identify that status of the entry. The RGYB Balls are no longer displaying as a ball/bubble but instead as text of the color. I am not able to change the status of these entries for the rows that have the color text instead of the bubble. It will display properly for data in my current month but will not for the previous two months anymore. We set this up a few months ago and never had any issues until I pulled this report this week and noticed the change.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Numerous threads created for this topic since the server move on Saturday Dec 10th 2016.

    Some people are starting to report it has been fixed.


    Check status.smartsheet.com, though it says everything is OK.

    If still broken, contact support@smartsheet.com



This discussion has been closed.