Formula to calculate End Date and Time based on Start Date, Time and Task duration



  • mukul
    mukul ✭✭

    Hi @Paul Newcome

    Thank you for your response and your suggestion. I will look into it

    For now to join this to the current formula, which column should I use or touch? Please see the following formulas (I am a beginner-some how I have managed to make them work).

    if some better way of coming up with End time (Start time + Duration and 8 working hours per day)

    Start Time (Manual Entry) (EST)

    Duration (Manual entry or derived based on start date/ end those manual entry)

    END Time (Helper column)

    =(IF(VALUE(LEFT([Start Time]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time]@row) - 1)) <> 12, IF(CONTAINS("p", [Start Time]@row), 12), IF(CONTAINS("a", [Start Time]@row), -12)) + VALUE(LEFT([Start Time]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(MID([Start Time]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time]@row) + 1, 2)) / 60) + (Duration@row / 60 + 8))



    =MOD(INT([End Time]@row), 12) + ":" + IF(([End Time]@row - INT([End Time]@row)) * 60 < 10, "0") + ([End Time]@row - INT([End Time]@row)) * 60 + IF([End Time]@row >= 12, "pm", "am")


    END TIME (AM/PM) IST (time zone) -Any formula suggestion for this 😊



  • mukul
    mukul ✭✭

    Hi @Paul Newcome

    Is there a solution to my question or a formula to it that you can provide?

    Thanks in advance



  • Tom K
    Tom K ✭✭

    Hi Paul,

    I am trying to find a formula to give me an end time. I have a start time in 24hour time, a duration in minutes, that I would like to produce a calculated end time. Any help would be appreciated.

    Start Time Duration (min) End Time

    0800 126 ???

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