

I have been searching the community but have been unable to find what I am looking for. My organization would like to use Smartsheet to have employees submit their daily timesheet. I was able to create a form and sheet but need to create a way to separate by employee and then have a summary sheet that breaks it down by project.

Currently the only option I have been able to come up with is to create an individual sheet for all employees (would be cumbersome if we get more employees) and create an individual sheet for all projects. There has to be a better way.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!


  • Hi Michele,

    without a little more information about your need I have to assume you would like anyone in your organisation to register time spent on projects.

    What's the problem with using the form on just one sheet? There you can have a dropdown column with all your projects, so you can manage the list in one place. Filters or reports on this sheet would allow to see entries for people, projects etc.

    People coming and leaving need to be managed by the Smartsheet sysadmin anyway. Can be done easier in Enterprise plans with AD integration.

    Hope that helps.

    Projektmanagement Professional in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • Michele Thomas
    Michele Thomas ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Stefan, I think I was making it more complicated than it needed to be!!

  • Michele Thomas
    Michele Thomas ✭✭✭✭

    I was able to create a filter for each employee. Is there a way to calculate the totals within the sheet? It does not seem that forms added to the sheet are no included in the calculations of totals. Is that the case? Is there a work around to get formulas to work when a new form is added?

  • Michele,

    think about having some extra rows on top of the sheet where you could do additional calculations with formulas like „countif“, „countifs“, „sumif“ etc.

    The range your formula looks up must be set to e.g. “amount:amount” to sum data for the entire column “amount”.

    In your form settings make sure to place new entries at the bottom of the sheet.

    Hope this helps to get you going.



    Projektmanagement Professional in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • Jon Baier
    Jon Baier ✭✭✭✭

    In addition to adding rows at the top for formulas, you could also use the sheet Summary function and insert those formulas there. I just created a simple Time Tracker for my team and the Summary function combined with a summary report made creating charts widgets for a dashboard fairly easy.

  • Michele Thomas
    Michele Thomas ✭✭✭✭

    All of this information was very helpful but now I am stuck again... I was given a formula to calculate the total hours for an individual employee. Is there a way to use this formula for all employees?

    here is what I have for a formula

    =SUMIF(Employee:Employee, "Michele Thomas", [Daily Total]:[Daily Total])

    There are multiple people that will be included on this sheet; it has filters to show only that person. I want to be able to get the total amount for just ONE person at a time. Any suggestions?