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Salesforce & Smartsheet integration - access to other users' sheets


Hello All


I've configured the integration between Salesforce org and Smartsheet account. During configuration process I provided Smartsheet account with SysAdmin priviliges (this is required step). Let's call this account "TEST_Smartsheet_admin"


Now I'm logged as regular end-user in Salesforce and I'm trying to add existing Smartsheet sheet to Account's related list. What I can see is a list of sheets owned by "Test_Smartsheet_admin". And only those... What I would like to achieve is to be able to see a list of sheets owned by other users as well. Selectively. 


Typical scenario: 


1) I have an account in Salesforce called "john.smith@salesforce.com" owned by John Smith

2) The same person (John Smith) has also an account in Smartheet called john.smith@smartsheet.com

3) I would like to allow "john.smith@salesforce.com" operating in Salesforce to assign sheets belonging to "john.smith@smartsheet.com".


Any ideas how to achieve it?






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