Need help creating a formula


I do a project status report for my team. We currently have status options like: "Not Started" , "Active", "Active + Concerns" and "Complete. I recently made another status option: "Cancelled - Covid19". I make a dashboard for my supervisor that highlight the number of projects that aren't complete due in the next 7 days. This is my formula:

=COUNTIFS({2020 Acme Project List Range 1}, "Project", {2020 Acme Project List Range 2}, <=TODAY(7), {2020 Acme Project List Range 2}, >=TODAY(), {2020 Acme Project List Range 4}, <>"Complete")

How can I create a project form that would tell me the number of Projects due in 7 days that are incomplete while taking out any projects with the Cancelled Covid 19 status?


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