Conditional Formatting based on Date


I would like to create a conditional formatting based on a date.

Use case below:

Column A is a date - I would like Column B to turn yellow if it is under 10 days from Column A date, turn orange if past 15 days and turn red if past 15 days.

Is this possible? Would I need to create a formula? Doesn't look like I can base this solely on conditional formatting.

Best Answer


  • Nicole Hodges
    Nicole Hodges ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much!!!

  • No problem! Glad this worked for you 🙂

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  • beatea
    beatea ✭✭

    Hello. I have the same question but was not able to apply format based on column A to column B. How do I compare the two dates?

  • Hi @beatea

    What column type is Column A? Could you provide a screen capture of your sheet (but block out sensitive data) and identify what you want the conditional formatting to do?



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