Count number of resources assigned and display the resource allocation%

Is there a way to:

(1) count the number of resources in the [Assigned To]

(2) duplicate the allocation % based on the number of resources counted from the [Assigned To]

Please see example below.


Best Answer

  • Jean Kim
    Jean Kim
    edited 05/20/20 Answer ✓

    It's working with the following.

    =IF(Type80 = 1, JOIN([Planned Hrs]80 + "| " ), IF(Type80 = 2, JOIN([Planned Hrs]80 + "| " + [Planned Hrs]80), IF(Type80 = 3, JOIN([Planned Hrs]80 + "| " + [Planned Hrs]80+ "| " + [Planned Hrs]80))))

    Case closed.


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