Can you use 2 joins in the same formula

IF Type = Project join Type+ID+"-"+PMO Project Name

If Type = Request join Type+ID+"-"+Request Name

I've tried this a couple of ways - if I select Request - it comes up as Request1000-RequestName

If I select Request then it blanks out. instead of Project1000-ProjectName


=IF(Type@row = "Rqst", JOIN(Type@row + [Rqst ID]@row + "-" + [Request Name]@row, IF(Type@row = "Proj", JOIN(Type@row + [Rqst ID]@row + "-" + [PMO Project Name]@row))))

ultimately I want to put in if(ands( for various conditions but can't get this basic formula to work. thanks so much for your help.

Bruce Johnson

Director Portfolio, Project Methods & Governance

Veolia North America

Boston, MA

Best Answers

  • Bruce Johnson
    Bruce Johnson ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi L@123 - thanks for the nudge - I need that sometimes - your guidance worked and is much appreciated!

    Bruce Johnson

    Director Portfolio, Project Methods & Governance

    Veolia North America

    Boston, MA


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    couple issues going on here. you have some parenthesis wrong, but i'll slide by that to the more pressing part,

    join is for making a range concatenate, not individual values.

    given the column names are repeated in the cells

    =Join(A@row:D@row, ", ")

    would give

    a, b, c, d

    if you just wish to concatenate you can simply add text values

    =A@row + ", " + B@row + "," + C@row + ", " + D@row

    would result in the same thing

    a, b, c, d

  • Bruce Johnson
    Bruce Johnson ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the reply - what will allow me to do what I want to do? the exercise isn't to make the formula that I provided correct . I do know how to join A+B+C columns the exercise is to make if project is selected then I want the name to be project+ID+"-"+-projectname of Request is selected want the name to be request+ID+"-"+requestname

    project and request is a drop down

    the project name is in its own column

    request name is it's own column.

    so there needs to be a condition before -concatenation of the fields

    so when project is selected then the outcome I want is project12345-projectname

    When a request is selected the outcome would be request12346-requestname

    so on and so forth

    thanks you

    Bruce Johnson

    Director Portfolio, Project Methods & Governance

    Veolia North America

    Boston, MA

  • Bruce Johnson
    Bruce Johnson ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi L@123 - thanks for the nudge - I need that sometimes - your guidance worked and is much appreciated!

    Bruce Johnson

    Director Portfolio, Project Methods & Governance

    Veolia North America

    Boston, MA

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