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Employee Management

Tommy Lee
Tommy Lee
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I am looking to start a smartsheet to track employees and when they work. What I am looking for is a management sheet that can list all my employees, their titles, pictures, tasks and most importantly for this sheet their work schedule. I own a Martial Arts School so I have 26 employees over two schools working full time, part-time and on contract work. They may work at our front desk, on the floor teaching and or in the office admin. They also may be a contractor working on marketing or building maintance. I'd like to track hours scheduled to work and who and when someone will be out. I saw the project sheets and time dependencies as well as being able to check times. I was wondering if anyone else uses smartshet to track when employees work. 


Any suggetions and help would be appreciated.



  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    This is possible in Smartsheet and we have helped organisation to achieve this. However as always the devil is in the detail.


    Smartsheet is very good but there are some areas that where it falls short.  One of these is the recording of time itself.  It can do duration OK but scheduled times is not easy or out of the box but is achievable with propper planning and design.


    We have done work for organisation where Smartsheet is the main data store and reporting elements but the recording of peoples time on task is recorded using another App in this case Appsheet.  Appsheet works well with Smartsheet as its data store and allows you to create effective web based interactive forms to Add, Edit data in Smartsheet.


    If you would like to discuss your requirements then view my profile and see our contact details and request an initial no obligation call with Richard.

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