I am trying to create a form where if Work Location = X then a drop down list of employees appears.

For example, if I create a column of employee names as a drop down, and I create a column for location, is it possible when I select a location, it modifies which employees show up in the employee column drop down?


  • Chris Mondeau
    Chris Mondeau ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Kate Sims . You can make a workaround of sorts with multiple employee columns and a combination of conditional logic in the new forms. Here's an example of the sheet and form.

    When you select a company in the form the conditional format will only display that company's drop down for employees. Hopefully this can help you out!

  • I have done that, however it doesn't appear to be working.  I created a logic that say when location = A then show columns B, C D, & E.  When location = A1 then show columns C, D, E & F.  However, when I view the form, and select a location, none of the logic is being applied it still shows every single column.

  • Chris Mondeau
    Chris Mondeau ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My form logic picture might be a little confusing. You'll need to create a unique rule for each location and matching location staff. So I have a 3 rules, one for location A that only shows the A staff, one for B with B staff, and the same for C staff. You should only have to select one column in each rule before any select. Does that help at all?

  • It does, however it's not applying the rules from the logic.  It shows every single column regardless of the location and rules.

  • Chris Mondeau
    Chris Mondeau ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Kate Sims can you share a screenshot of your sheet and one of the forms with logic so we can see the issue? Thanks!

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