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Issues with Smarthooks verification.

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am not sure if I understand smarthooks correctly or if smartsheet just made a "dumb" implementation.


I can create a hook but verification failosm OF COURSE. It expected the url to send something special back (Smartsheet-Hook-Response: <sendID>). 


Unless this is not a generall webhook standard that bodes get echoes back, smarthooks would be useless as I cant just use any URL which supports callbacks.


What am I missing here ? ( I am trying to integrate with Zapier webhooks)


  • dAVE Inden
    dAVE Inden Employee

    Smartsheet webhooks do require verification before they will send data to the callback URL you provide during creation. We do recognize that our validation requirements are stricter than most implementations of webhooks, but it is done in an effort to keep data in your account secure.

    We do have an integration in Zapier with various triggers that should allow for most use cases. What are you trying to accomplish with Zapier and Smartsheet? If you would like, you can reach out to api@smartsheet.com and I can work with you directly via email.

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