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Populated Report for me but blank for Recipient

Mendy Burns
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue before....


I created a report from one sheet that has approximately 14 lines on it; the person I shared the report with shows it to be blank. The Report Builder, on their end, shows the 'Where?" as <unknown sheet>; the "Who?, What? and When?" are the same as what was built.


The original sheet is in a Workspace, does that make a difference?


Another recipient was sent to a completely non related report.....


Appreciate ANY feedback!




  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 01/06/17

    Hello Mendy,


    For other users to see the same information as you in the report, you'll need to share all of the source sheets with them (open the sheet and click the Sharing tab at the bottom). If those users aren't shared on any of the source sheets that your Report Builder criteria are based on, the report will appear blank for them.

  • Yes I have the same problem, and am dissapointed to see that the solution is to share all the source sheets. I have a master issues list for a major project.  I wanted the various testers to see a report including only the issues they have submitted, not the source sheet with everyone elses issues.

  • Shaine- would this new functionality, released at the end of August apply here? If so, how?

    Now you can set notifications for people who are not shared to a sheet! Previously, people had to be shared to a sheet to be automatically notified when a sheet was updated.

  • Hi Mendy,

    The feature you described is specifically for sheet notification emails, not for reports.

    In order for someone to see the same information as you in a report, they still have to be shared to the same sheets as you.

    Otherwise, you can publish the report and send the published version to people in read-only format: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522078-publishing-smartsheet-items 

  • So sheet notification emails meaning daily updates on all tasks or column/row specific change notifications....other than Update Requests?

    I'm unclear how to share ALL aspects- attachments, comments, etc., of a given row(s) with people who have no business seeing all the information in the MASTER sheet. Sharing the MASTER sheet creates confusion and is overwhelming for most. Publishing reports does not provide this.

    It is more work to copy over comments/attachments for each outside team back to the Master sheet on the PM side; an enhancement is needed to make this a strong project management tool.

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