Smartsheet keeps adding Start date when I add a row and not letting me change the date


I am having trouble with a project. I am trying to add a Child Task in a section of my plan, and each time I add a row, Smartsheet adds the Start Date automatically (the earliest date of that section...the Start of the Parent) and it will not let me set my own Start date for the Child Task (even if it is within the Start and Finish of the Parent) unless I put in a predecessor. Does anyone know why that is?

Best Answer


  • Hello Genevieve,

    Thank you very much (especially for not laughing). I stared at that plan for way too long, and never saw the predecessor on the parent task. But now, I will know what to check for the next time this happens. Thanks again.

  • No worries at all!

    It's an easy detail to miss and it took me a bit of time to find it as well. 🙂

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