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Moving rows in Android app

Maxim Miller
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

How do I move rows within a sheet on the Android app? 



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I don't think you can.

    I might be wrong, I don't use my tablet as much as I should.




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Maxim—


    Craig is correct. Rows can't be moved in the mobile apps at this time, they can only be moved in the desktop browser application.


    I've got your feedback down for us to add this functionality to the Android app.

  • Yorg1001

    So now rows can be moved - but I still can't do what I want, because they can't be copied. Or can they?

    We have a purpose for a smartsheet: An Architect visits a site to do a defects inspection - in essence, it is an issues log.

    Out on site filling in the issues log needs to be quick and easy not clunky. Smartsheet on a tablet will allow association of photos of each defect with a row - take the photo and write the defect up. Great so far.

    Please take a look at the attached pic.

    Rows 2 to six are essentially a template to be repeated for each room inspection. There is no way to add a room while out on site because those rows can't be copied and pasted. Yes, you could use the desktop browser to pre-plan the number of rooms, but what if you forget that little corridor?

    So, you can move rows, you can cut and paste them (essentially the same thing) but there is no functionality for copying and pasting. Unbelievable. What is the use of a mobile app if you can't do basic things while mobile?

    Its like a car manufacturer deciding that on the current dev cycle they would facilitate going forward, backward and turning right, but turning left could wait until the next dev cycle. 

    (Yep, I'm annoyed - I have an office full of people I'm trying to convince to use smartsheet and "what, you can't do that?" is starting to wear me down.)

    Any thoughts anyone? Have I missed seeing the functionality?

    copy android smartsheet.PNG

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