Problem viewing a published dashboard embedded when publish settings are set to anyone with a link

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Are there limitations to viewing a dashboard when it's published with the settings of anyone can view with a link?

I have dashboards that some people can access easily but others get the errors below. I have included our settings that show they are enabled as published to anyone with a link.

Note: One is embedded into a SharePoint page as well as just a link but in all cases, the users who have problems have the same problems regardless of how they access.

Does the Browser that is used matter? Are there settings on our network that matter? Any help would be great before I reach out to support.


Error in SharePoint

Same user gets the same error even when not going through SharePoint and just using the URL provided.

Another error that happens to almost everyone, some get it then log in fine and see the DB others cannot login using this link, and still others can be logged in and still get the link after having logged in.

I get this error myself if I am opening a browser that I have not logged into but feel if the dashboard is open, no one should get this login.

Thank you,


Happy to help if I can.

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Best Answer

  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    OKAY!, on closer inspection and testing, I found that if you have every changed your publishing, you have to manually change it back for the individual sheet. That is stated but I did not intrepet it that way when I read it. I read it closer and that seems to work now. --Answered.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try changing sheet publishing options to anyone with the link

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I will try that but I am hoping there is an answer that will allow me to publish a dashboard without having the sheets published. The sheets that make up this dashboard are not published and I don't want to publish them and we have security reasons we do not want to publish sheets to anyone. Are you saying the only way to get this to work is to publish everything with "Anyone with a link"? Why would there be different settings for dashboard if that was the case?

    Thank you

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I did try it for just me, and I am still being asked to log in when accessing from a browser where I am not logged in.

    I feel this is not they way it is supposed to work, if "anyone with a link" means you still have to log into Smartsheet it doesn't mean anyone, I have not tried to see if this changes the other error but if we have to publish sheets or enable them to be published to anyone with a link to get reports or dashboards to work then there seem to be a disconnect in the settings or wording somewhere.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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  • Kevin Smith
    Kevin Smith ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    OKAY!, on closer inspection and testing, I found that if you have every changed your publishing, you have to manually change it back for the individual sheet. That is stated but I did not intrepet it that way when I read it. I read it closer and that seems to work now. --Answered.

    Thank you,


    Happy to help if I can.

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