
Hi, I can't find a good solution on the below configurations for the formatting of charts with those options available in Excel, is there something I missed?

  • Changing colors of data display (e.g. bars)
  • Changing font size/position of data labels
  • Selecting certain rows in a table for plotting the chart instead of continuous rows


Best Answer

  • firestorm
    firestorm ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    1) Change Colors of the data Display: In the "Series" section, you can pick the category and change the color assigned to it.

    OK I just realized I could, thanks!

    2) Change the font size - Only for Headers: In the "Titles and Legend" Section, you can change font and font size

    Yup but I am looking at changing the font size and color of the data labels :)

    3) Position of Data Labels - you can change the position of the Legend (Top, Bottom, Right, or Left) in the Titles & Legend Section also

    Again, not the legend, I mean the data labels on the bars, for example.

    4) Selecting Certain Rows in the Table for Plotting the Chart: Create a Report to select the rows you want, and then use that use that report as the source data for your chart.

    OK, this is like an additional step.

    Thank you!


  • firestorm
    firestorm ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    1) Change Colors of the data Display: In the "Series" section, you can pick the category and change the color assigned to it.

    OK I just realized I could, thanks!

    2) Change the font size - Only for Headers: In the "Titles and Legend" Section, you can change font and font size

    Yup but I am looking at changing the font size and color of the data labels :)

    3) Position of Data Labels - you can change the position of the Legend (Top, Bottom, Right, or Left) in the Titles & Legend Section also

    Again, not the legend, I mean the data labels on the bars, for example.

    4) Selecting Certain Rows in the Table for Plotting the Chart: Create a Report to select the rows you want, and then use that use that report as the source data for your chart.

    OK, this is like an additional step.

    Thank you!