How to use Nested IF AND/OR Formulas?

Lekha Oberoi
Lekha Oberoi ✭✭
edited 07/23/20 in Formulas and Functions

I want to compare two columns Health and Date and populate the column for update required or not required.

Conditions are

  1. If the date is in the past and Health is Blue - Update Not Required
  2. If the date is the past and Health is either Yellow, Green OR Red - Update required
  3. If the date is in the future and Health is either Yellow, Green OR Red - Update Not Required
  4. If the date is in the future and Health is Blue - Update not required

The formulas I have is

  1. =IF([Target date]35 > TODAY(), "NA", IF(OR(Health35 = "Yellow", Health35 = "green", Health35 = "Red"), "NA", IF(AND([Target date]35 < TODAY(), Health35 = "Blue"), "NA", "Update Required")))
  2. =IF(AND(TODAY() > [Target date]34, (Health34 = "Blue")), "NA", "Update required")

The first one will not work if the date is in the future, second one does not work if the date is in the past and the health is anything other than blue. Kindly Help!


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