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Create double entries without overwriting data


I have created a new smartsheet document (Simple Excel like doc) for my team members for data entries. We have noticed that if 2 of them are enteringdata on the same row and at the same time, instead of creating 2 entries, the system overwrites the original entry. Is there a way to stop this from happenning. This becomes a real problem when many people are using the same sheet for data entries. 

Thanks in advance




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Rowena,


    If collaborators are entering data on rows that contain, or have previously contained, data (even if they're currently blank), the data will become overridden. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, I'd recommend having your collaborators first *right-click* on the row and select Insert to add a brand new, empty row in the sheet.


    They can then add their data to that row instead.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/25/17



    If this data is a new row, you might consider using WebForms.

    If the data already exists and they are updating the same row and same columns, you may have a workflow / process problem.

    Every task (in my opinion) needs one owner. Who is responsible to update which column should be clear and not likely to run into overwriting problems.

    Though they can still occur.



  • thank you both very usefull!! 


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