I want to create a report that filters for the current user across several different columns

I'm setting up a Project Portfolio grid which will be used to enter/update/monitor the current projects for our division.

I would like to create a report (and a related dashboard) that will automatically select the rows which the current user has a role in. There are multiple contact list columns, including Strategic Sponsor, Business Owner, DTS Lead, DTS Architect and Technical PM. I want to implement a report that will select those roles that include the current user in ANY of these fields (logical OR).

I can see how to find a report that selects for the current user on ONE column, but can't see how to do that across multiple columns.

Any ideas?

Best Answer


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/19/20

    They all need to be set as contact columns. Add each column to the Who category of the report, then click on the AND between the filtering criteria to change it to OR

  • I guess what I'm not see is the option to add more than one field to the "Who?" query? Once I specify the first column for selection, I don't have a way to add the "and/or" conjunction to the query. How did you add the "or" in the query above?

  • That's what I was missing!! Clicking on the 'WHO" box multiple times, once for each field. THANK YOU!!

  • One more question on this: Is the "Current User" determined at the time the report is saved? Or at the time the report is run?

    If the report creator is a licensed user, but the person running the report later on is NOT a licensed user, what does the report do for the "current user" evaluation? Default to the report creator or the 'real' current user?

  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It should be the report user, whoever is logged into the account that is accessing the report at the time.

  • What if an unlicensed user is accessing the report? Who is considered the "Current User" in that instance?