Formula - Adding together certain assigned point values



I have created the below formula that works up until the bolded part. I am trying to add this to the below formula:

If Less than 100 it gets zero points.

If between 100 & 499.9 it gets 1 point

If between 500 & 999.9 it gets 2 points

If greater than 999.9 (or 1,000 or more) it gets 3 points.

I am not sure how to add this to the below formula and have it calculate those point values appropriately as I know formulas have an order of operations.

=IF([Governor's Dashboard (4,0)]1, 4) + IF([Dept WIG (3,0)]1, 3) + IF([Office WIG (2,0)]1, 2) + IF([Division WIG (1,0)]1, 1) + IF([CStat (1,0)]1, 1) + IF([Savings over $1 Million (3,0)]1, 3) + IF([Savings $500k -$999k (2,0)]1, 2) + IF([Savings of over $100K-$499 (1,0)]1, 1) + IF([CDHS Strategic Plan (2,0)]1, 2) + IF([Legislative or Regulatory Requirement - Statu(4,0)]1, 4) + IF([Legislative or Regulatory Requirement -Fed AU(3,0)]1, 3) + IF([Legislative or Regulatory Requirement OSA(2,0)]1, 2) + IF([Legislative or Regulatory Requirement- Int A (1,0)]1, 1) + IF([Client Safety (4,0)]1, 4) + IF([Broad and Direct Stakeholder Impact (2,0)]1, 2) + IF([Improve Security IT-Risk etc (4,0)]1, 4) + IF([Better Outcomes for Our Clients (4,0)]1, 4) + IF([Do you have all required funding? (3,0)]1, 3) + IF([How many stakeholders impacted? or ppl trained]1 < 99.9, 0) + IF([How many stakeholders impacted? or ppl trained]1 < 499.9, 1) + IF([How many stakeholders impacted? or ppl trained]1 < 999.9, 2) + IF([How many stakeholders impacted? or ppl trained]1 > 999.9, 3)  

Thank you in advance!


Best Answer


  • Maria Watters
    Maria Watters ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much @Paul Newcome

    I appreciate it.

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