Onboarding new users in Smartsheet.

Erin Harlan
Erin Harlan Employee
edited 08/28/20 in Smartsheet Basics

How did you onboard your team to Smartsheet? What best practices did you use? Share some thoughts here and also at Engage!



  • When I onboard with a new group, I try to setup a testing sheet to which I invite the new users during the presentation. They can then interact with the sheet in live time. I try to make it fun by creating silly status (you are now set to unicorn status) categories while editing functionality as they watch. I think it helps retain the information while keeping the interaction fun.


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    edited 09/01/20

    Generally for key users I have 2 trainings on separate days. The first training we go over standard functionality(read smartsheet heirarchy), navigation, and smartsheet basics. The second day we go through formulas, different types of sheets, company rules, and I have a problem that I ask each key user to solve that involves them using formulas, reports, dashboards and forms, and I give them ~ 1.5 hours to develop the solution inside of the program while I help out.

    i've also developed some quizzes using forms that I used to ask the class as a whole, but I haven't updated those in a while.

  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni

    We have a custom Help screen, where I point users to "Getting Started" videos and recommended Learning Tracks. I have also taught and recorded Lunch & Learns covering formulas, reports, metrics sheets, dashboards, and other topics, and I point them to those videos.

    The Smartsheet online training videos are really good - that's how I learned! I let my users know that once they're up and running, I do have "Office Hours" to help with any specific issues, but they need to start with the online videos.

  • Nancy Skoulphong
    Nancy Skoulphong ✭✭✭✭

    Most of my users are collaborators and do not have a license. Any training recommendation for collaborators only?

  • I recommend the Collaborator Quick Start Guide. It offers a great high level overview with links to relevant topics and a handy 18 minute webinar at the end that visually covers all of the free user capabilities.


  • Unfortunately I was given access and no instruction. That was six months ago and just found this page today. Thank you to those who provide training for your employees.

  • Automations 1
    Automations 1 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I gave a quick 15 minute "Smartsheet for Dummies" workshop. I showed all the non licensed users all the basics including:

    • How to Navigate between sheets/workspaces and the "hamburger" menu
    • Bell reminders
    • comments
    • @mention
    • adding attachments
    • Filter/Sort including how to save filters and set up multiple step filters
    • Discussed different column types... only Dates in date columns ect...
  • Adriane Price
    Adriane Price ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Because our smartsheet usage varies, I offer to pull up with any team member who would like a step by step but I have also created training videos and during team meetings I have been invited to I show them a high-level overview.
