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Personalize the "Highlight changes" in a sheet

When I choose the "highlight changes" option from the tool bar and I chose a color I noticed that all users can also see the changes highligheted with teh same color.

Need the “highlight changes” on a sheet to be personalized so if someone has turned this on this should not appear to other users.


  • Hello Ashraf,


    We currently don't have a way to personalize "highlight changes" to be user specific but I've added your vote for this on our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    We appreciate your input!

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    +1 from me too, I would like to know if this kind of feature is possible SS????


    I review sheets regularly, and it is nice if I can have it set (since I last viewed this sheet).  If I have to change it back to "when I last viewed this sheet" from someone elses' highlight it never works, because I have to open the sheet to change the highlight condition.  At that point, I viewed the sheet 10sec ago.  Not helpful.


    Also check over here:


  • Hi Brad—


    I've got your vote down as well. I don't want to overstep my bounds and speak for the Development team, but I could IMAGINE this being a possibility if we can get more colors added to the color palette.


    We'd also have to make it more akin to conditional formatting, "highlight with x color when Sally Smart changes something on the sheet."


  • Hello - 


    Please also add my vote for having "highlighte changes" visible to current viewer. 


    Thank you,



  • Shaine, are members of the community allowed to vote on enhancement requests?  If so, can you please provide me with a link to this request?



  • Hi Joe,

    You can submit your vote for a Product Enhancement Request using the form linked under Quick links on the right of the community site.

    Although it's a little more work, we want you to tell us (in the form) how you'd like to see the feature work and what you'd specifically use it for, as opposed to just giving a +1 to someone else's request.

  • Hi, 

    Please also add my vote for personalized/localized (vs. global) "Highlight Changes". Our 300+ org updates (and we track) their individual SS's frequently. I'm submitting my request here instead of the the Product Enhancement Request Form for various reasons and I really appreciate your support. Thank you.

  • Kenyon Bajus
    Kenyon Bajus ✭✭✭✭✭


    I also need this but with the ability to only show changes made by others. I know what changes I've made. I only want to see cells highlighted that other users have changed. Is this possible?

  • Kenyon Bajus
    Kenyon Bajus ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have to add, it is amazing that SS would think that the default behavior for Highlight Changes should be for everyone to view the same settings. I never even realized this was the case as I had always thought it was a personal setting. Makes me wonder, do employees at Smartsheet even use Smartsheet? lol

  • Roger Hurwitz
    edited 10/01/18

    Agree w/ others - would expect this to be a user (versus group) setting by default.  Please implement it in a way that allows it to be visible to only the user who selects it.

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