How can I present in a gantt chart that the task exceed the due date?

How can I present in a gantt chart that the task exceed the due date? for example the due date of a task was 01/09/20 but until now it is still in progress . I want to show that the actual performance exceed the due date, not only that it is 80% complition, since we exceded our planning time.


  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni

    You could create a "Symbol" column using the Red/Yellow/Green Balls.

    Then add the formula:

    =IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Red", "Green")

    This will give you a red indicator if the Due date is in the past and the line is not marked complete.

    If you wanted text, you could change it to something like:

    =IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Past Due", "On Target")