Updating Status column based on two different columns

Amanda St John
edited 09/14/20 in Formulas and Functions

I am looking for a way to have a column state "Cancelled", Submitted, or "Completed" based on two different columns in Smartsheet. If SAP1 column = "No" I want the "Status" column to say "Cancelled". If SAP1 is "Yes" and another column that states who completed the request is filled in with any name (is not blank), then I want the status column to say "Complete". If SAP1 is "Yes" but the column that states who completed the request is empty than I want the status column to say "Submitted". As of right now I have two separate formulas that each do 1/2 of what I want but I have been unsuccessful in combining them to actually work together. What am I missing?

=IF(SAP1 = "No", "Cancelled", "Submitted")

=IF(ISBLANK([Entered By]3), "Submitted", "Completed")


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