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SUMIFS...Its working but when i add.......

Graeme Baker
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi Team,


Formula below works....


=SUMIFS([Value of Jobs]2:[Value of Jobs]5, Result2:Result5, 1, [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))


but when i add (In Bold) (Sales Stage is a drop list row with "WON" in it) It dosent like it ??? 


=SUMIFS([Value of Jobs]2:[Value of Jobs]5,[Sales Stage]2:[Sales Stage]5,"WON", Result2:Result5, 1, [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/02/17

    Can you define "doesn't like it" ?

    I copied your formula into my sheet and it works as expected.


    Visually, I don't see anything wrong.

    Did you retype the formula or copy it from Smartsheet?



  • =SUMIFS([Value of Jobs]2:[Value of Jobs]5, [Sales Stage]2:[Sales Stage]5, "WON", Result2:Result5, 1, [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))


    The sheet is working fine now that i have reduced the range [2: - 5,] instead of [2: - 50,] Is there anyway to check for errors quickly with out scrolling through every cell ?  I will need the 2-50 range.  


    Craig is there any way to duplicate a sheet, I want to have all the formulas, conditional formatting, etc. etc. on another sheet for another town. This will be a separate sheet so no cell references will relate.  Thanks Craig


  • Graeme Baker
    edited 02/06/17

    =SUMIFS([Value of Jobs]2:[Value of Jobs]5, [Sales Stage]2:[Sales Stage]5, "WON", Result2:Result5, 1, [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Sold Date]2:[Sold Date]5, YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))


    The sheet is working fine now that i have reduced the range [2: - 5,] instead of [2: - 50,] Is there anyway to check for errors quickly with out scrolling through every cell ?  I will need the 2-50 range.  


    Craig is there any way to duplicate a sheet, I want to have all the formulas, conditional formatting, etc. etc. on another sheet for another town. This will be a separate sheet so no cell references will relate.  Thanks Craig


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