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Downloading attachments from specific rows


I know you can download attachments from an entire sheet and one by one if you go to the row. What if I wanted to download attachments from specific rows (i,e. I want attachments from row 45 - 75), is there a way to JUST download those attachments?


My issue... I have sometimes 10 - 15 attachments in each row and over 100 rows in this spreadsheet we are using. 


Thank you. 



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Veronica,


    There isn't a way to batch download attachments from certain rows in the application but I'll add your vote for this to our enhancement request list for further consideration.

  • ty very important!! Otherwise I am losing a lot of time extracting files from each row. Thx

  • Patti Steele

    Any movement on this feature?  Any work around available to download specific rows?


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Patti,

    While in a sheet, you can select the Attachments tab at the bottom to display the Attachments window—which displays both row- and sheet-level attachments. In the Attachments window, you can select specific attachments and click Actions > Download Selected File to download them.

    If you're looking for a different way to download multiple attachments, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site and let our Product team know.


  • Jake Knoth

    Here's a simple workaround for anyone who is facing a similar scenario.


    1) Open the Sheet containing all the attachments you're looking to download.

    2) File > Save as New (Use whatever name you feel like)

    3) Open your shiny new copy, CONFIRM YOU'RE USING THE COPY, and create a filter to show ALL THE ROWS YOU DON'T WANT (Alternatively, if it's easier for you, you can filter for the rows you DO want, then add some sort of marking such as a checkbox so you can filter everything else as previously mentioned).

    4) Delete all the rows you don't need. 


    Voila. Now you can go to the attachments window (Moved to the upper right corner of the UI) and download all Attachments for the sheet as a .zip.


    Hope it helps!

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