We use the PDF generator tool to auto-generate thousands of approval letters each year. We then have an automaton set up to send the letters out the funding recipients. the validity period for the let…
It would be fantastic if we could move comments from one sheet another, but ESPECIALLY helpful would be the ability to use Data Mesh to move/merge attachments.
I was searching for a way to better organize attachments, but could not find a solution. At present I can only sort by name or date and the result is a very flat structure. There appears to be no easy…
When selecting attachments for an Automation Workflow, we should have the option to include all the attachments in the notification email instead of sending only the last attachment if it was attached…
Hello, I have request an update automation that allows attachments to be uploaded. When an attachment is added, I have a notify automation built to include the attachment. The automation is functional…
It would be helpful to have a way (with a formula using cross sheet references or via an automation) to copy an attachment from one sheet to another. For example, I have a Master Project List with a s…
My colleagues need to submit Smartsheet forms with password protected .pdfs attached. The form submissions are being received as expected, and you can see the attachment in the proper row but when you…
Hello Smartsheet Community! I need help downloading attachments from a sheet that currently has a little over five thousand lines and manually downloading isn't ideal. I was able to extract the metada…
I'm trying to send an Excel attachment once per month from a row report that includes collapsed groups, but when the recipient downloads the attachment, the groups aren't collapsed like they appear on…