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Wrapping cell text in reports

Craig Chambers
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello all,


I'm trying to build a Sight with several reports and noticed that I do not appear to have the ability to wrap the text in a report, is this true?


It is making the layout of the sight much more difficult since a few of the task names and comments/updates make the report very wide. Plus it is hard to know how long a comment is going to be in advance to be able to size the column in the report correctly.



  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 02/07/17

    Hi Craig,


    Reports inherit their formatting directly from the source sheets, so you'll need to apply cell wrapping in the source sheet for it to be visible in the report.


    Details on cell wrapping can be found in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/518246-formatting-options

  • dford24881

    For a future enhancement, having the ability to format a report would be very helpful.  Needing to go back and format each sheet that feeds a report to get a report to format properly is not a very efficient approach.  We'd like to be able to do things like wrap text, color cells, change fonts, etc. in a report without needing to format all of the source data.

  • DeSchryver

    Please Please Please. This is necessary. 

  • kagrawa
    kagrawa ✭✭

    I agree. This is especially true when reports go to different "clients" who may want different aspects highlighted. I guess the other option is to replicate those columns (have one set to "=" the other) and format them differently in the source sheet.

  • atreece82646

    Our team would like to weigh in on this as well, and add our hat to the "please make this happen" listings for the next SmartSheet Enhancement.

    Our team has 4 primary data sources, and the inherited traits don't really work for all 50 different people who run reporting off those data sources. Wrap Text functionality would greatly benefit our reporting and dashboard view that are linked to those reports, versus the data source. Hitting Follow on this conversation in hopes of future updates. Thanks!

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