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Change a row "owner" using a contact list and notify only them

David Hawkins
David Hawkins ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



I have tried to search before posting, though didn't find a specific answer within a sensible time - so hopefully I'm not repeating a request /question.


If I have a task sheet with a field set to a contact list that's used to denote the row owner, is it possible to set an alert that when this field changes from user 'A' to user 'B', only user 'B' is notified of becoming the new owner? The sheet is shared with lots of people and I'd want this to work for any of them, as an individual, if assigned as the owner.


From the UI, it appears you can only set a notification audience and I'd like to target the alerts in a more specific fashion. If I build individual rules, they're amalgamated automatically, so I don't think this is working as i'm hoping.


Please help :)


  • Hi David,


    We don't yet have functionality to conditionally notifiy users (e.g. Notify User B when a row is assigned to them) but this is something our development team is working and hopes to release in Feb-March of this year. I've got your vote down for this feature as well on our enhancement request list to raise visibility of demand for the feature to our Product team.

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