Formula to create a number assignment catalog

Aaron Olsen
Aaron Olsen ✭✭
edited 10/21/20 in Formulas and Functions


I am trying to create a number assignment catalog that is automated to speak to a smartsheet that has my full collection of products. The goal is when creating a new product anyone could fill out a form select the category numbers that will define the department and then select a a number that will identify the specific product. A lot of numbers are already in use so the formula needs to reference a sheet that has existing numbers in use and only allow available numbers to be selected. I have attached a screenshot of what the number assignment could look like but am lost as to how to write the formula that will communicate to the broader sheet. The first 4 digits are the category assignments and the last four are the numbers in question. In this instance there is a letter that will be common in each selection. Any options would be super helpful. Thanks, Aaron

Best Answer


  • Thank you! I started on this track but couldn't figure it out. This is very helpful I appreciate your level of detail.

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