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Automation RYG Balls

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



I am working on formula which give me following:


When I change Column B to (InProgress, Complete, or Risk) My Column A will change to (Red, Yellow, or Green).




If there are any Red in the children, I want to show Red in the parent,

If there are no Red but there are Yellow in the children, Show Yellow in the parent.

If there are no Red or Yellow but there is Green in the children, Show Green in the parent.


Following drop down list are under Column B.


In Progress = Yellow

Complete = Green

Risk = Red


=IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Red") > 0, "Red", IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) = COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Green"), "Green", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Yellow") > 0, "Yellow", "")))


=IF(Status5 = "In Process", "Yellow", IF(Status5 = "Complete", "Green", IF(Status5 = "Risk", "Red", "")))




How do I combine both formula into one (symbol side). 





  • Hi Tofani,


    There isn't a way to combine both formulas into one larger formula, as they're both looking to calculate and return different symbols. Is there a specific reason as to why you'd want the parent formula and child formulas to be one?


    Happy to pass any feedback along to our Product team on how we can improve formulas.

  • I'm trying to do conditional formationg with another column that why. However I think it will not work. Thanks you for the feedback.

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