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% Calculations On children

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

HI Community 


I have A Quick Question On % Calculations 


I have a Payment Sechdule Which has a a main Name For example Wall Framing


Under Wall Framing i have indent Wall framing on Floor 1, Floor 2 etc, 


And i ran  =SUM(CHILDREN()) To calculate Total We charge on Wall framing 


Now For my customer i want to send only The Main Row Which Shows Totals only 


But we recevie from our Managers on site % Completed and it calculates Sechdule bt the floor level *% recevied from Our mangers and it totals Very nicly 


my only Issue is that when it totals all the  CHILDREN by % 


Let say for example our mangers replied on 1st and 2nd Floors were done with 100% and on 3rd and 4th its 0%  so the total in my quickbooks stayeds on all floors completion 50%  but on smart sheet it will calculate it self as 200%?


is their a way to Correct it phrapes by using a Diferent Function etc?


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