Help with formula referencing another sheet

I have a sheet titled Vendor Risk with a column called Inherent Risk with ratings High, Moderate and Low.

I have created another sheet that I want to use to store the COUNTIFS to count the number of vendors that were rated High, Moderate and Low.

I have tried using the help bubble with COUNTIFS and I select Reference Another Sheet, but it keeps coming back as unparsable. Can someone help with the correct syntax?

Best Answers

  • capenancy
    capenancy ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    NVM - I figured it out

    =COUNTIFS({Inherent Risk Range 1}, "High")


  • capenancy
    capenancy ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    NVM - I figured it out

    =COUNTIFS({Inherent Risk Range 1}, "High")

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