Form Entry Controls

James Tanner
James Tanner Overachievers Alumni

Hi there,

Is there a way to control the data entry in a form? By that I mean as I'm filling a form, smartsheet will check character limit on the go, or if I have Start Date and End Date field on the form, to have smartsheet reject form submission if the End Date lies before the Start Date.




  • Leslie R
    Leslie R Employee
    edited 11/13/20

    Hello @James Tanner,

    There currently isn't a way for Smartsheet to evaluate the data that is entered on a form and reject the entry based on criteria in the fields. This would be an excellent recommendation for future development from our Product Team. If you have a moment, you may want to submit an Enhancement Request to let our Product Team know of your interest in this capability.

    As an alternative, you may want to consider using conditional formatting or automated alerts that will alert you to either of these data concerns.

    Using the LEN function and a column formula, you can evaluate the character count of a particular field from your form for each new entry which can then be used to build a Conditional Formatting rule or an Automated Workflow.

    I hope this information helps in resolving your concerns!

