Is there way to add info from multiple cells between text in an email from an automated workflow?

If I have an automatic workflow send an email weekly, is there a way to add multiple cells in the body without adding the rest of the text over and over?

If you look at the example above, I have a column named "Date Completed:" and workflow looks for the last 7 days every Monday at 10:00 A.M. There is another column named "Email:" which has the email address where it will send the email.

The custom message pulls the store number from the column "Store #:" and the date it was completed from the "Date Completed:" column. There can be the same contact for multiple rows as in the example above. Here is the custom message:

Here are the stores we completed this week.

{{Store #:}} on {{Date Completed:}}

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

Is there a way to have the highlighted yellow only show up once instead of multiple times like in the example?

So the email would read:

Here are the stores we completed this week.

1111 on 11/11/20

2222 on 11/13/20

5555 on 11/10/20

9999 on 11/09/20

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Justin Mauzy

    The way automation works, no, it won't work like this.

    What I would suggest you still is to add a row, on top of the sheet, or in another sheet to JOIN/COLLECT all the info you need in one cell. This will require an helper column too.

    Something like:

    Helper column:

    = [Store #]@row + " on " + [Date completed]@row.

    This will join the values of those cells.

    Then do:

    =JOIN(COLLECT([Helper Column]:[Helper Column], [Date Completed]:[Date Complete], >= TODAY(-7))

    Then have the automation work on this row every monday at 10;00 AM, and just copy the value on this cell within double brackets in your mail, and you'll get the desired results.

    Hope it helped!


  • Hello, did you try to make a report that shows the information and send it as an attachment?

    You can schedule the periodic sending of that report.

    Hope the suggestion works ..



  • Justin Mauzy
    Justin Mauzy ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Juan. This will not work for us. We are sending this directly to a client, whom will never open an attachment.

    Thank you,

  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Justin Mauzy

    The way automation works, no, it won't work like this.

    What I would suggest you still is to add a row, on top of the sheet, or in another sheet to JOIN/COLLECT all the info you need in one cell. This will require an helper column too.

    Something like:

    Helper column:

    = [Store #]@row + " on " + [Date completed]@row.

    This will join the values of those cells.

    Then do:

    =JOIN(COLLECT([Helper Column]:[Helper Column], [Date Completed]:[Date Complete], >= TODAY(-7))

    Then have the automation work on this row every monday at 10;00 AM, and just copy the value on this cell within double brackets in your mail, and you'll get the desired results.

    Hope it helped!

  • Justin Mauzy
    Justin Mauzy ✭✭✭✭✭

    That worked. Thank you.