Copy an indented row in multiple places


Do you know if we can copy a indented row (or just a row could be good also) in multiple places on a sheet ?

For example I have a sheet with 100 projects all structured in the same way,

I would like to add a specific task for each project between two other tasks, without doing it manually for each projet.

Thank you very much

Best Answers


  • Corentin Dal Farra
    Corentin Dal Farra ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Genevieve P

    Thank you for your answer,

    Yes it works fine with your method. Effectively it won't take too long, but If there were a feature to do mass copy it could be very useful for sheets with bigger rows number.

    Have a nice day !


  • Corentin Dal Farra
    Corentin Dal Farra ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Genevieve P

    Thank you for the additionnal solutions that you provided !
