Help with template set selection


I'm looking for a template set (set of template sets!) to create a prototype but I can't find what I need. Could someone give me some recommendations?

We will have multiple templates for different types of project (website development, etc.) and for personal task/objective management. Some of the project sheets need to feed into a roll-up giving overview stats on multiple projects in a single roll-up (for a particular team or project type). We also need a resource planner for managers to see what colleagues are working on before they allocate tasks from other projects to team members. And we need a master managerial roll-up that gives an overview of everything.

We will work with someone to help us plan, build and configure our ultimate solution but in the meantime we need a prototype but I can't see how to piece this together easily and quickly. (I looked at the Project Tracking and Roll-up template set but the roll up is for a specific project only - I'm looking for more of a team-level roll-up, plus the other things). Many thanks


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