Formula issue with B, R, Y, G Traffic Light with a Deadline and % Complete

I have been struggle with this formula to leverage the Blue, Red, Yellow Green harvey ball. Basically, If there is no deadline and the task has not been started then it should be Blue, otherwise if < current date and % Complete is not 100% then it should be RED, and YELLOW if the deadline is today and % complete is < 1 and all other conditions should be green.

Current Formula does not consider % Complete and turns red on tasks that are 100% complete: =IF(Deadline@row = "", "Blue", IF(Deadline6 < TODAY(), "Red", IF(Deadline6 = TODAY(), "Yellow", IF(Deadline6 > TODAY(), "Green"))))

Trying to consider % Complete with this revision that I am largely unsuccessful with so far and need some help:

=IF(AND([Deadline]23 = "", (Status23 = "Not Started" )), "Blue", IF(AND([Deadline]23 < TODAY(), (% Complete23 < 1)), "Red", IF(AND([Deadline]23 = TODAY(), (% Complete23 < 1)), "Yellow", IF(AND([Deadline]23 > TODAY(), (% Complete23 <= 1)), "Green"))))

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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