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Visual misalignment of highlighted row

C Kennedy
C Kennedy
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Does anyone know how to get rid of the visual misalignment of a highlighted row on the screen.  I am usually using Smartsheet on Safari.  I tried to attach a screen shot of the issue.


  • Hello,


    This may be caused by a few factors:


    Zoom level—try setting your zoom back to default with Cmd ⌘ + 0


    Browser version—Make sure your version of Safari is updated to the latest version for your operating system. We currently support Mac OS 10.9.5 or newer, and the equivalent version of Safari.


    Extensions—Disable all Safari extensions, as they could be interfering with Smartsheet. If disabling them fixes the issue, enable them one by one to delineate the extension causing the problem.


    If the above doesn't work, contact our Support team to see if there's anything else they can do to troubleshoot the misalignment: https://help.smartsheet.com/contact


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