Delete multiple comments?

Amber Eakin
Amber Eakin ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/20 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello, all! We created a copy of a 2020 sheet to make a new one for 2021 because so many of the tasks are recurring; we're merely updating assignees and task dates in most cases. However, we're now left with several comments and attachments throughout the sheet that we need to delete because we copied the full sheet.

Is it possible to delete multiple comments rather than going one at a time? We don't necessarily want to delete all comments, as some might still be relevant, but we want to get rid of most of them.

I appreciate your insight!

Amber Eakin, MSLS, M.Ed.

Adult Education Specialist | Process Improvement Enthusiast

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