Countif referencing a sheet

I'm trying to reference a column in a sheet if it is less than today's date and is marked as completed. How would i do that? I keep getting error messages. Here's what I have:

=COUNTIF({Findings List Range 1}, >TODAY(), {Findings List Range 2='not completed'})

Best Answer

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pete Cardenas ,

    Because you have multiple criteria you need to use the COUNTIFS function. The syntax is: COUNTIFS( range1, criterion1, [ range2​,criterion2,​... ])

    Your formula would be:

    =COUNTIFS({Findings List Range 1}, <TODAY(), {Findings List Range 2}, "not completed")

    You say it is marked as "not completed". If the cell has that text in it then the formula above is correct. If the cell is a checkbox the the last piece of the formula is {Findings List Range 2}, =0). Checkboxes = 1 when checked and 0 when unchecked.



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  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pete Cardenas ,

    Because you have multiple criteria you need to use the COUNTIFS function. The syntax is: COUNTIFS( range1, criterion1, [ range2​,criterion2,​... ])

    Your formula would be:

    =COUNTIFS({Findings List Range 1}, <TODAY(), {Findings List Range 2}, "not completed")

    You say it is marked as "not completed". If the cell has that text in it then the formula above is correct. If the cell is a checkbox the the last piece of the formula is {Findings List Range 2}, =0). Checkboxes = 1 when checked and 0 when unchecked.



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