Countifs statement with OR function help needed

Hi there,

I'm trying to build a COUNTIFS statement that uses OR and I can't quite seem to get it to work. The first OR criteria is if the cell is blank, or says pending and I think that's where the problem lies. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

=COUNTIFS([VP Approval]:[VP Approval], "Approved", [HR Approval]:[HR Approval], OR(@cell = "Pending", @cell = "", Division:Division, OR(@cell = "WTC", @cell - "Can Roofing")))

Best Answer

  • Leibel S
    Leibel S Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    Looks like you had some typos. Try the below:

    =COUNTIFS([VP Approval]:[VP Approval], "Approved", [HR Approval]:[HR Approval], OR(@cell = "Pending", @cell = ""), Division:Division, OR(@cell = "WTC", @cell = "Can Roofing"))


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