
BESP10 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Good morning, I have this formula that is displaying this error as noting is filled out yet in the columns

How to I not get this error and just have a 0 or leave it blank so it does not look bad? Thank you

=SUM(BAE@row / (([HRS/Day]@row) * [Crew Size]@row))

Best Answer

  • bcwilson.ca
    bcwilson.ca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I don't know why you are summing it.. as the math is occurring on a row by row basis.. but anyway..

    I think this gives you what you want.. checking for no value before doing the calculation..

    =IF(OR([HRS/Day]@row = 0, [Crew Size]@row = 0), "", BAE@row / ([HRS/Day]@row * [Crew Size]@row))

    It will leave a blank in the Duration Calculation until filled in.. You can change this to Zero by simply

    =IF(OR([HRS/Day]@row = 0, [Crew Size]@row = 0), 0, BAE@row / ([HRS/Day]@row * [Crew Size]@row))


  • bcwilson.ca
    bcwilson.ca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I don't know why you are summing it.. as the math is occurring on a row by row basis.. but anyway..

    I think this gives you what you want.. checking for no value before doing the calculation..

    =IF(OR([HRS/Day]@row = 0, [Crew Size]@row = 0), "", BAE@row / ([HRS/Day]@row * [Crew Size]@row))

    It will leave a blank in the Duration Calculation until filled in.. You can change this to Zero by simply

    =IF(OR([HRS/Day]@row = 0, [Crew Size]@row = 0), 0, BAE@row / ([HRS/Day]@row * [Crew Size]@row))

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